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Background Checks

Background check packages can be tailored to meet your requirements. Our trained account managers will work with you to set up the most cost-effective package for your specific needs.
All of our reports begin with a Results Summary. The summary lists each report component with the corresponding status. It’s a great way to see which items on the report need particular attention and whether there are any areas of concern regarding your applicant.

  •   County Criminal Records

    Criminal court files at the state jurisdictional court (county court) are searched for felony and misdemeanor records. Viewpoint Screening conducts a criminal record search by name at the court(s) required by your customized background check. Each county court search will cover a history of seven (7) years from the date of request unless available otherwise or instructed otherwise by the client. Some reporting prohibitions on criminal records that antedated the report by seven years may apply. Detailed information on criminal records found will include, when made available by the court, but may not be limited to; date of offense, charges, plea, disposition and sentence. Open arrest warrants are also reported and generally include cases awaiting trial or charges for failure to appear.
  •   Statewide Criminal Records

    The Statewide Criminal Records search directly accesses a state's criminal records repository. The Statewide Criminal Records search covers most counties in a state and will provide felony and misdemeanor conviction information going back at least 7 years. The Statewide Criminal Records search is a cost-effective way to search for criminal records on an individual who has lived in several counties within a State. Not all states are available for Statewide Criminal Record searches.
  •   Federal Criminal Records

    Criminal court files at the United States Federal District Court are searched for felony and misdemeanor records. Criminal record searches are conducted on a nationwide level. Each federal conviction search will cover a history of seven (7) years from the date of request unless available otherwise or instructed otherwise by the client. Federal charges typically encompass severe crimes such as drug violations, illegal sale of firearms, embezzlement, and pornographic exploitation of children. Federal crimes do not appear in statewide or county criminal searches.
  •   Crime Database

    The Nationwide Database search is a search of a proprietary database containing over 200 million records from multiple jurisdiction-sources. Sources include state court repositories, departments of correction, county courts, and other state level agencies, as well as sex and violent offender records from all 50 states. This product is suggested to be used in conjunction with county criminal history reports.

    Please see the Nationwide Database Details for more information.
  •   Sexual Offender Registry

    A sexual offender index search reveals applicants convicted of sexual offenses. A sexual offender search is an integral part of the employment screening process and is essential for businesses whose employees deal with children, the elderly, or disabled individuals, or employees whose duties require them to enter a private residence.

    Sex offender data sources nationwide, such as: Bureaus of Investigation, Departments of Law Enforcement, Departments of Corrections, Departments of Justice, Departments of Public Safety, Sheriff’s Departments, State Attorney General’s Offices, and State Police.

    Please note that the Sex Offender Registry does not contain information on all convicted sex offenders. Some states provide information only for sex offenders with assessment scores of Intermediate or High.
  •   Address History

    A powerful tool that provides information on individuals’ past addresses and movement patterns. The Address History establishes a starting point and allows for better management and a more complete background check by verifying and returning information on a person's: full name, age/date of birth, address, and dates at listed addresses.
  •   Social Security Validation

    Verifying the information provided by the candidate concerning his/her identity is the primary step in any background check. This aggregate database search reveals the connection between the candidate’s name and SSN based on history of use and will reveal the year and state of issuance of the subject’s SSN.
  •   Credit Report

    Individuals that are in extreme financial straits with debts that exceed income may be considered a potential risk in certain situations. Investigating an individual’s financial history and credit report background may be necessary to mitigate that risk when considering a candidate for a financial position. Viewpoint credit reports are obtained through a database search of one of the credit bureaus and report consumer credit activity covering a seven year period detailing overdue or slow account, charge off, collections, suits, tax liens, public records, judgments and bankruptcies.
  •   Motor Vehicle Records

    Driver History Reports are obtained from the state of issuance and typically cover a three, five, or seven year history depending on the state searched. Information reported includes accidents, suspensions, and violations. The state of Washington will only provide license verification. Clients requiring driver history from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation must complete and notarize a special one-time affidavit for the search.
  •   Terrorist Watch List

    The Terrorist Watch List includes the following US and foreign sanctions and watch lists. Additional sanctions and watch lists will be added as US or foreign governments and international organizations release them. These lists currently include:

    • OFAC Specially
    • Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons
    • OFAC Sanctioned Countries, including Major Cities & Ports
    • Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories
    • Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties
    • US Bureau of Industry & Security (formerly BXA)
    • Unverified Entities List
    • Denied Entities List
    • Denied Persons List
    • FBI Most Wanted Terrorists & Seeking Information
    • FBI Top Ten Most Wanted
    • INTERPOL Most Wanted List
    • Bank of England Sanctions List
    • OSFI – Canadian Sanctions List
    • Politically Exposed Persons List
    • European Union Terrorism List
    • World Bank Ineligible Firms
  •   Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN)

    OFAC is the Office of Foreign Asset Control, part of the U.S. Department of Treasury. OFAC is responsible for administering and enforcing economic and trade sanctions against certain nations, entities and individuals. OFAC maintains a listing of these restricted counter parties in a document called the "Specially Designated Nationals List" (SDN).
  •   County Civil Records (Lawsuits)

    The County Civil Record search identifies non-criminal lawsuits filed by or against an employee or company at the county level in either upper or lower courts, as determined by monetary value set by the state or county. The County Civil search is an important search to use when dealing with contractors, business partners and outsourcing companies.
  •   Federal Civil Records

    Non-criminal lawsuits, that usually involves private property rights. Civil record searches isolate applicants with a history of suing or being sued by their employers, a commonplace and costly occurrence in most industries.

    A civil record search reduces an employer's risk of costly lawsuits. In addition, civil records uncover liens and cases involving violations of trade secrets and non-compete agreements. The following areas are covered:
    • Contract- Insurance, marine, Miller Act, negotiable instrument, recovery of overpayment & enforcement of judgment, Medicare Act, recovery of defaulted student loans (excl. veterans), stockholders' suits, other contract, contract product liability, franchise
    • Real Property- land condemnation, foreclosure, rent lease & ejectment, torts to land, tort product liability, all other real property
    • Torts
    1. Personal Injury- airplane, airplane product liability, assault libel & slander, federal employers' liability, marine, marine product liability, motor vehicle, motor vehicle product liability, other personal injury, personal injury, medical malpractice, personal injury- product liability, asbestos personal injury product liability
    2. Personal Property- other fraud, truth in lending, other personal property damage, property damage product liability
    • Bankruptcy- Appeal 28 USC 158, Withdrawal 28 USC 157
    • Civil Rights- other civil rights, voting, employment, housing/accommodations, welfare, Amer w/ Disabilities- Employment, Amer w/ Disabilities- Other
    • Immigration- naturalization application, Habeas Corpus- alien detainee, other immigration actions
    • Prisoner Petitions- motions to vacate sentence
    1. Habeas Corpus- general, death penalty, mandamus & other, civil rights, prison condition
    • Forfeiture/Penalty- agriculture, other food & drug, drug related seizure of property 21 USC 881, liquor laws, RR & truck, airline regulations, occupational safety/health, other
    • Labor- fair labor standards act, labor/management relations, Labor/Management Reporting & Disclosure Act, Railway Labor Act, other labor litigation, Employee Retirement Income Security Act
    • Property Rights- copyrights, patent, trademark
    • Social Security- HIA (1395ff), Black Lung (923), DIWC/DIWW (405(g)), SSID Title XVI, RSI (405(g))
    • Federal Tax Suits- Taxes (U.S. plaintiff or defendant), IRS- Third Party 26 USC 7609
    • Other- state reapportionment, antitrust, banks and banking, commerce, deportation, racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations, consumer credit, cable/sat TV, selective service, securities/commodities/exchange, customer challenge 12 USC 3410, other statutory actions, agricultural acts, economic stabilization act, environmental matters, energy allocation act, freedom of information act, appeal of fee determination under equal access to justice, constitutionality of state statutes
  •   Bankruptcy Records

    Bankruptcy court files are searched by name and in the federal district of current residence, prior residence, work, school, or based on the requirements of your customized program. The bankruptcy record search will cover a history of ten (10) years from the date of request. Information reported to Client will include, when made available by the federal criminal court, but may not be limited to; case number, dates, financial schedules, assets, liabilities, and creditors.
  •   Workers' Compensation Records

    A workers' compensation search reduces the number of claims filed, and their associated expenses, by alerting employers to chronic abusers. A workers' compensation history is vital to companies employing workers in labor intensive industries. Workers' compensation records are available in most states.

    Please see the Workers' Comp Records Details for more information.
  •   Employment Verification

    Verification of employment is conducted by telephone, fax, automated system or any other means required by the source. The Human Resources Department is the primary contact for employment verification so that factual information is obtained. Information reported will include, when made available by the previous employer, but may not be limited to; employment dates, any breaks in the employment dates, position, salary, reason for leaving, full time / part time, supervisor, and eligibility for rehire.

    Standard employment verification questions include;
    • What was their position?
    • What dates did they work?
    • What was the final salary?
    • Is the applicant eligible for rehire?

    Additional questions may be included by the client
  •   Education Verification

    Based on numerous reports, education credentials are the single most common item embellished on a resume. Standard verification is of the highest degree claimed by the candidate, but can be customized to meet your specific requirements. Information reported will include, when made available by the school, but may not be limited to; dates of attendance, course of study, degree, and graduation date. Viewpoint will always attempt to obtain verification on institutions that are defunct or closed.

    Standard education verification questions include;
    • Highest degree/major achieved?
    • What dates were attended?
    • Date of graduation?
  •   Reference Verification

    Listed references are contacted and interviewed to obtain detailed information about your candidate. This information may include additional names and/or addresses, character traits and/or habits, strengths and/or weaknesses, and if the reference would recommend the applicant for employment. In addition, details of the reference’s relationship with the applicant may be provided, including how long they have been acquainted and the type of relationship past or present.

    Standard reference verification questions include;
    • What is your relationship to the applicant?
    • How long have you known the applicant?
    • What are some of his/her strengths?
    • Can you think of any areas for improvement?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate him/her in responsibility?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate his/her people skills?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate his/her learning skills?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate his/her communication skills?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate his/her organizational skills?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate him/her in time management?
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate his/her overall attitude?
    • Would you (re)hire him/her if you had a position available?

    Additional questions may be included by the client.
  •   Professional License Verification

    Verification of professional license, credentials or certification is conducted at the primary source by telephone, fax, automated system or other means as required by the reporting source. Information reported will include, when made available by the institution, but may not be limited to; type of license, the date obtained, expiration date, status, and any disciplinary action available.
  •   Fraud Abuse and Control Info System (FACIS)

    Because disciplinary actions and other sanctions are tracked and reported by numerous agencies or associations in each state, healthcare employers frequently struggle to determine what constitutes a reasonable search effort. The Fraud Abuse and Control Information System, known as FACIS, is a database information service that offers sanction histories on individuals and entities in the healthcare field. FACIS reports on disciplinary actions from exclusions and debarments to probation and letters of reprimand.

    The search includes information provided by Federal agencies as well as more than 800 licensing and certification agencies located in all 50 states. FACIS provides information on more than 50 types of healthcare professionals, from physicians and midwives to home health agencies and ambulatory services. The search also references OFAC, OIG, GSA, SDN and Blocked Persons List.
  •   OIG Exclusions List

    The OIG maintains the list of excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE), a database providing information to the public, health care providers, patients and others relating to parties excluded from participation in the Medicare, Medicaid and all Federal health care programs.
  •   General Services Administration Excluded Parties List System (GSA EPLS)

    The General Services Administration (GSA) maintains the List of Parties Excluded (EPLS). EPLS is the electronic version of the Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs (Lists), which identifies those parties excluded throughout the U.S. Government (unless otherwise noted) from receiving Federal contracts or certain subcontracts and from certain types of Federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits. GSA is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to compile and maintain a list of parties debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible by agencies or by the General Accounting Office.
  •   Medical Sanctions Database

    Examines multiple state and federal sources to assist in the identification of health care providers who may have histories of federal or state-level disciplinary actions or disqualifications, or may otherwise place your organization at increased risk.
  •   Credentialed Practitioner Database

    Assists in verifying that an individual is authorized by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to handle controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
  •   Provider Licensure Database

    Examines state licensing authorities to validate the licensure or registration status of credentialed medical providers.
  •   Provider Observation Database

    Contains historical and updated information from the National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry.

Drug Testing

With over 14,000 collection sites nationwide, Viewpoint Screening provides the closest locations where the applicant, employee or student provides a sample. At the testing facility, a technician oversees collection and forwards the sample to the laboratory. Negative results are available within 24-48 hours. Viewpoint Screening conducts industry standard 5, 7, 9, 10 and expanded panel urine drug tests to detect the use of illegal drugs and commonly abused prescription drugs.

  •   Pre-employment Testing

    Viewpoint Screening has a network of over 18,000 collection sites to collect specimens. Samples are then shipped overnight to a nationally certified laboratory.
  •   Random Testing

    Well-designed random testing programs identify employees who are using drugs or misusing alcohol but are able to use the predictability of other testing methods to escape detection. More importantly, it is widely believed that random testing serves as a strong deterrent against employees beginning or continuing prohibited drug use and misuse of alcohol.

    We recommend spreading random testing dates reasonably throughout the year so as to not establish a predictable pattern. This prevents employees from coordinating their drug and alcohol use with the random testing schedule. Viewpoint Screening can provide a computer-generated random selection on a monthly or quarterly basis.

    Initially, your organization must determine the percentage or number of employees to be tested. If you employ workers who are mandated by the government to undergo random testing, you must meet the government's minimum standards for testing for those employees.

    At the beginning of your program, you will submit a master list of employees including their full name and social security number (or other unique employee identification number). Other identifiers may also be provided at your discretion, such as employee division/location, department, job title, etc. Every month or quarter thereafter, you will submit an update to Viewpoint Screening. The software utilizes a sequential numbering system to select the employees for the random list based upon the percentage requirements for your company. In accordance with federal guidelines, each employee will have the same chance of being selected each time a list is generated. This technique is called "random with replacement." There will be no maximum number of samples that any one individual will be required to provide during the testing schedule.
  •   Reasonable Cause and Post-Incident Testing

    Viewpoint Screening establishes a network of collection sites to collect specimens and blood or breath samples for alcohol testing.
  •   Medical Review Officer (MRO)

    Viewpoint Screening retains the services of a MRO, a licensed physician with a specialty in toxicology. They will attempt to consult with any donor that tests positive to determine if there is a medical condition or valid prescription that could result in the positive test.
  •   Substance Abuse and Contraband Policy

    Our extensive knowledge about the regulations governing drug and alcohol testing serves as an excellent resource when developing a drug and alcohol testing policy. Viewpoint will assist you in developing a policy which accurately reflects the philosophy and goals of your organization while complying with all federal, state and local regulations.

    Viewpoint will assist you in this policy creation by providing examples of generally accepted policies. Laws pertaining to workplace drug-testing in the United States are constantly in transition. Changes come from all levels of the courts as well as federal, state and local regulations.

    Viewpoint monitors these changes through its affiliation with industry-specific, professional organizations. Although we are not a substitute for competent legal counsel, we can provide assistance to companies relating to drug testing laws and regulations in the states in which it conducts business operations.
  •   Drug and Alcohol Test Reports

    Test Reports are available to you on your secure login page. Results can be bundled with background check results, or stored separately. Negative drug results are typically available within 24 hours of receipt at the laboratory. An exception would be a test that detects a substance at the cut off level, but is confirmed by gc/ms to be negative.

    All results and invoices are sent to Viewpoint Screening. Our clients receive one invoice for all services rendered.
  •   5 Panel
    • AMP- Amphetamines
    • COC- Cocaine
    • THC- Marijuana
    • OPI- Opiates
    • PCP- Phencyclidine
  •   9 Panel
    • AMP- Amphetamines
    • COC- Cocaine
    • THC- Marijuana
    • OPI- Opiates
    • PCP- Phencyclidine
    • BAR- Barbiturates
    • BZP- Benzodiazepines
    • MTD- Methadone
    • PPX- Propoxyphene
  •   10 Panel
    • AMP- Amphetamines
    • COC- Cocaine
    • THC- Marijuana
    • OPI- Opiates
    • PCP- Phencyclidine
    • BAR- Barbiturates
    • BZP- Benzodiazepines
    • MTD- Methadone
    • PPX- Propoxyphene
    • MQU- Methaqualone
  •   10 Panel + Expanded Opiates
    • AMP- Amphetamines
    • COC- Cocaine
    • THC- Marijuana
    • OPI- Opiates (includes Hydrocodone + Hydromorphine)
    • PCP- Phencyclidine
    • BAR- Barbiturates
    • BZP- Benzodiazepines
    • MTD- Methadone
    • PPX- Propoxyphene
    • MQU- Methaqualone
  •   Additional Drugs
    • Buprenorphine
    • Fentanyl
    • Ketamine
    • Gamma Hydroxybutyrate
    • Meperidine
    • Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
    • Oxycodone
    • Oxymorphone
    • Tramadol
  •   Oral Fluid Testing

    Oral Fluid Testing reveals the presence of up to five drugs. Applicants or employees provide a sample by placing a small swab between their cheek and gum. The sample is either analyzed on-site at the time of the test or sealed in a specimen package and shipped overnight to a lab for analysis.
  •   Dip Testing

    Dip Testing screens for the presence of up to 10 drugs immediately. The applicant or employee provides a sample in a specimen cup. The employer then dips a test strip into the sample and the results are visible within 5-10 minutes.
  •   Pipette Testing

    Pipette Testing screens for the presence of up to 9 substances. The applicant or employee provides a sample in a specimen cup. The employer, using a pipette, places drops of the sample on a test cassette. Results are visible within 5-10 minutes.
  •   School Information

    Many clinical agencies have started to require drug testing of students, before any clinical work can begin. Viewpoint Screening is happy to provide drug testing for these situations.

    A drug test can be ordered by itself, or we can bundle a drug test into an existing background check package.

    Once a student places their order, they will receive a registration email. The drug test registration email is sent out within 24 hours. This email contains all of the information they need, and where to go to have a drug test performed. Once the drug test has been performed, the results are available to you within 1 to 2 business days.
  •   Student Information

    You will receive drug test registration information within 24 hours (1 business day) after you place your order. This registration information can also be found when you log in.

    Please be sure to check your spam filters for your drug test registration email. These emails are typically flagged by yahoo.com, gmail.com, and aol.com email clients.

    If it has been over 24 hours (1 business day) since you placed your order, and you have not received your drug test registration email, please contact studentsupport@viewpointscreening.com.

Instant Online Customer Service


Why wait on hold? Why wait for an email? Anyone on viewpointscreening.com can chat with a representative within seconds.
  • Every page on viewpointscreening.com offers a tab to chat directly with a customer service representative.
  • More convenient than a phone call and quicker than an email.
  • Download a copy of the chat transcript for record keeping.

Online Training Courses

Getting access to high quality, on-demand training has never been easier or more cost effective than with Viewpoint Screening's e-Learning solutions. We offer a compelling range of high quality, cost-effective and mobile compatible courses.

  • Protect your organization, employees and patients with these HIPAA, Medical OSHA, Fraud & Abuse courses. Plus ICD-10,infection control and hazmat shipping courses.
  • Ensure employee safety and environmental compliance with our complete library of OSHA safety courses developed for manufacturing and general industry.
  • Ensure your organization's compliance with key HR/EEO regulations while protecting your organization against workplace related litigation and promoting a fair work environment.
  • Improve employee engagement, operational effectiveness and grow your bottome-line by delivering these bite-sized learning courses to managers and employees.
  • Improve your skills and increase employee productivity by providing them with the training to increase their knowledge and proficiency with the latest Microsoft Office programs.
  • Prepare for CompTIA, cyber security, project managment and Six Sigma certification examininations at a fraction of the cost of instructor-led test preparation classes.

Health Portal™

We understand that preparing for clinical studies and field experiences requires students to collect a wide variety of documents. Viewpoint Screening created Health Portal to help you effortlessly collect, review and share documents online.

With student documents stored securely online, administrators can manage and share records with ease. Viewpoint Screening can also review student records for you. If any document is found to be invalid or fails to meet the established requirements, Viewpoint Screening contacts the student directly to resolve the issue.

  • Viewpoint Screening's Health Portal eliminates the tedious administrative task of collecting paper files by facilitating the storage and management of students' records within a secure online platform. When logged in, students are prompted to submit their records by way of digital upload. Once records have been uploaded, administrators and student are able to view records and follow progress online.
  • To reduce the time spent reviewing students' records, Viewpoint Screening offers professional review services. A team of Viewpoint Reviewers review each record to confirm its validity and ensure that it meets the specific criteria provided by administrators. If any document is found to be invalid or fails to meet the established requirements, Viewpoint Screening contacts the student directly to resolve the issue.
  • Viewpoint Screening understands the importance of making sure your students are compliant in a timely manner. We are proud to provide the quickest review time in the industry. All documents are either reviewed the day that they are uploaded or the next business day.
  • Once a student signs up for their Health Portal, they will receive weekly reminder emails until all requirements have been uploaded and approved. Deadlines can be displayed online so your students will know when to have all requirements turned in.

    If a document is declined, the student will receive an email indicating that the document that was declined. They will also receive an explanation of why the document was declined. Once all documents have been approved, the student will be alerted that they are compliant.

    Expiration dates can be set for each requirement. Students will automatically be emailed an alert 30 days before a requirement expires, and again on the day of expiration.

    The Health Portal also contains a messaging system that allows administrators to directly communicate with students.
  • All administrators will have access to an online spreadsheet report of uploaded documents. The online report will include the status of each required document, letting you know which requirements have been approved, declined, or will be expiring soon. The report will also let you know which students are compliant, when they became compliant, and more.

Sharing Results


Do your clinical agencies require to view your students' background checks or immunization documents? Is the sharing process a burden with your current vendor?
  • With Viewpoint Screening you can share your students' data with three mouse clicks.
  • Clinical agency contacts will be notified when student data has been shared.
  • The entire process is completed within seconds.


Custom Order Page

Viewpoint Screening will create and design a webpage for the students in your program, free of charge. Students will be able to follow the directions online to place their order. The webpage will also hold any additional instructions, such as drug testing locations and release forms. Additionally, these webpages can contain messages or announcements from the school for the students.

There are no instruction forms to pass out or package codes to worry about. The webpage is easy to find from the home page at ViewpointScreening.com, or the link can be emailed to all students.
  • Custom webpages will include the school's colors, logos, background check requirements, and additional information of your choosing.
  • Flexible payment options, students can pay for background checks online or the school can be invoiced.
  • Content can be changed at anytime to meet your needs.
  • Live customer service with instant messaging for students and school administrators.
  • All work on webpages is done in-house by Viewpoint Screening.

Turnaround Time

Turnaround time is one of the most important aspects of conducting background checks. Viewpoint Screening offers the best turnaround time for background checks and drug testing, but we didn't stop there. New accounts are setup within the same day, additional users can be added within an hour, and any other client requests will be addressed as quickly as possible.

  • Over half of all background checks are returned within 24 hours.
  • Over 90% of all background checks are returned within 72 hours.
  • Instant Info provides SSN validation, address history and Crime Database results within seconds.
  • Negative drug test results are returned within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Instant Online Customer Service available.

Student Screening

Click on Find Your School. Select your state from the list, and then you can select your school. This will log you onto your school's background screening webpage. Follow the online instructions to enter in the necessary information to place your order.

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Viewpoint Screening Compliance and Credentials


PBSA Membership

The Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) exists to advance excellence in the screening profession. As a member, Viewpoint Screening abides by FCRA regulatory compliance, meets best practices standards and adhere to various laws as they pertain to the highly regulated background screening industry. The PBSA provides Viewpoint Screening with news alerts and ensures that we stay compliant with all PBSA background screening related laws and regulations.

Viewpoint Screening's PBSA Certificate of Membership


FCRA Compliance

As a consumer reporting agency, Viewpoint Screening is federally mandated to abide by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) rules and regulations. We are fully committed to complying with all local, state, and federal laws governing the acquisition and disclosure of personal data.

The FCRA is designed primarily to protect the privacy of the consumer report information and to guarantee that the information supplied by consumer reporting agencies is as accurate as possible. This includes ensuring that (A) the individuals are aware that a consumer report may be used for employment purposes and agree to such use, and (B) that the individuals are notified promptly if information in a consumer report may result in a negative employment decision.

Viewpoint Screening goes above and beyond to ensure all FCRA rules and regulations are followed internally and by the organizations that we have partnered with.


HIPAA Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is enforced by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Only entities meeting the definition of “covered entity” must comply with HIPAA.

Student screening companies, such as Viewpoint Screening, are not considered covered entities and do not meet the definition of health care clearinghouse contained in the HIPAA regulations at 45 C.F.R. § 160.103. However, Viewpoint Screening does meet all guidelines set forth by HIPAA, and follows federal court decisions enforced by the Department of Health and Human Services to discover any changes that may affect your organization.

Please be aware that the the US Department of Health and Human Services does not endorse any type of HIPAA certification because HIPAA compliance is an on-going progress.


FERPA Compliance

As per the Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO), immunization records are considered education records and therefore fall under FERPA regulations.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law enacted in 1974 that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA applies to any public or private elementary, secondary, or post-secondary school and any state or local education agency that receives funds under an applicable program of the US Department of Education.

Viewpoint Screening assures all actions are within the guidelines of FERPA, and any partnering organization must agree to the same guidance.

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